HGTV Ultimate Shangri-La Project - Claffey Pools

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HGTV Ultimate Shangri-La

HGTV Ultimate Shangri-La

Project details:

  • Pool Type: Freeform
  • Features: Bubblers Grotto In-Pool Table Jump Rock Spa Tanning Ledge Water Bowl Water Wall
  • Project Designer: Mike Farley
  • Project Manager: Bobby Brzozowski
  1. What was it about this project that required an unusual level of quality workmanship? The pool project was a present to his parents along with the house.  The project had to include everything but a slide in a small sloped yard.  Easements on two sides deleted 7’ from the workable area.  Every inch was accounted for to including columns to give illusion of more space.  The stone work is unparallel.  Drystack tapered columns with drystacked walls and the slate drystack spillway pulled all the materials together.
  2. Describe the aesthetic appeal of this entire project? Awesome focal points from every view. 
  3. Why do you think this project forced you to an unusual level of creativity? How do you unify all the features desired in a small space and give a feeling of everything fits.  Elevation helped define different spaces and create the feeling of a larger space.  Raising the main patio allowed for larger water features gave height for grotto and provides the observation deck for the yard.  Lowering the spa created a more private space and the opportunity for more waterfeature.  The screen wall gave total privacy from the neighbors and created the awesome waterwall and pedestal for the water pots.  The cabana arbor allowed for a shaded tanning ledge and a 16’ rainfall.  Enough room was left for planting to soften all the hard lines.  The fire bowls were to low grandchildren safety so we added reverse taper and raised the pedestals.
  4. Describe how this pool design integrates effective with the home, landscape or both.  Color was the unifying factor.  The existing porch stone was tied into the wall caps, pedestal caps and step tread and riser.  The stone veneer was incorporated, from the porch columns.  However the owner preferred a drystack look.  The coping was chosen to unify the veneer and flagstone.  We had to buy ever piece available in the United States and then figure where we could not use it.  The beach entry was done in a matching tile.  The tile also unified all colors and was included also as a wall veneer in the cabana.  The water posts matched the coping stone.
  5. Can you tell an unusual story associated with this pool? (Example humorous, incidents, unusual interactions between customers and work crews, accidents, weather or access related problems, hidden or unexpected problems and cost, etc.) The granite coping was discontinued and we bought every piece that existed in the United States there were no 18” pieces to cap the drop beam we alternated a 12” – 6” and 6”” – 12” detail.  This was also used on the spa coping to unify the space.

Awards this project has won:

HGTV Ultimate Pools 2017

International Awards of Excellence 2010

Bronze Southwest Pool Show 2012

Bronze Master Pool Guild Gold 2012

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